The mighty Western Pond Turtle once ranged from Baja California all the way into British Columbia and Puget Sound. However due to habitat destruction, pollution and predation by introduced species such as bull frogs and red-eared sliders (the turtles you are most likely to see in pet stores and park ponds), the western pond turtle has been nearly wiped off the map. At the turn of the last century there were only around 150 individuals left in the wild.
There is hope however! The Oregon Zoo has been raising these rare turtles and releasing them into the wild in the hopes of strengthening the numbers of wild populations. While at the zoo the young are exposed to lots of light and skip their normal hibernation periods. These conditions allow the turtles to reach the same size as a wild 3 year old turtle in just 11 months. By releasing them at this size they are hoping to increase the chances of their survival. The latest group was set free in the Columbia River Basin in July 2010. Lets cross our fingers that they make it!
For the full story check out the Oregon Zoo website or Click Here for the article on ZooBorns.
Melissa Bruns
The Woodland Park Zoo is part of this program as well, and they do exactly the same thing in Washington :)